Thursday, April 17, 2014

Why dental tourism is the solution to affordable dental treatment

About three quarters of American adults suffer from some form of dental problem.

It would be expected therefore that the majority if not all of them seek dental treatment at home. Ideally, dental insurance should make it easier to access dental treatment as the patient is relieved of a big part of the cost.

So in this setting where there is available dental treatment and dental insurance, why is it that still many Americans are having difficulty accessing dental treatment?

Well, the policies surrounding healthcare insurance are to blame. This is because the higher premiums placed on insurance have made it difficult to access affordable dental care especially following the institution of Obamacare in the health industry. Inability to afford dental insurance therefore leaves a significant number of Americans uninsured.

Affordable dental treatment with medical travel seems to offer the best of alternatives for uninsured Americans.

As a matter of fact, 400,000 Americans chose medical travel for dental procedures in 2012 and with this choice they experienced average cost savings of up to 70%.

The main reason that motivated such a massive group of people to believe in medical travel is the success that is connected with it. When an individual finds the right dental facility abroad, they can be assured of experiencing high quality dental care at very affordable costs. A simple way of identifying the right destination that matches the individual’s needs is to engage an authentic medical travel organization.International Med Retreat is a reputable medical travel organization that serves in helping individuals to find affordable dental procedures with dental tourism abroad.

Depending on the individual’s dental needs and personal preferences, one can choose from many of IMR’s facilities in Europe, Asia and South America.

IMR offers unique dental procedures such as the all on four dental implants which involves surgical fixation of a new set of non-removable teeth. By replacing the entire mouthful of teeth it covers for repair of broken teeth, replacement of missing teeth and simply restores a flawless smile. These affordable dental implants can be accessed at a cost of about $15,000 which compares with the cost of the same implant surgery in the U.S. ($25,000- 57,000).

Other commonly performed dental procedures such as dental bridges and dental veneers are similarly performed at affordable costs. These procedures prepare the patient for dental renovation for attachment of artificial teeth. It is also used for replacement of decaying teeth or teeth lost due to trauma and other periodontal diseases.

Tracy McManamon on Google+

Friday, March 7, 2014

Total Knee Replacement

Our knees undergo a great deal of stress throughout our lifetime. They bear the brunt over bodyweight and undergo various twists and turns which can result in a fair amount of damage of the knee joint. In some cases, patients may be treated fairly easily with simple painkillers and physical therapy, however in more advanced cases, patients may require a total knee replacement. In this article we shall take a brief look at this procedure.

What is total knee replacement?

Total knee replacement is a surgical procedure that involves removal of the bones and cartilage that forms the knee joint and replacement of these structures with a prosthetic device.

When is a total knee replacement performed?

A total knee replacement is performed when the knee joint has been significantly damaged due to trauma or an underlying disease process. Trauma can include road traffic accidents or crush injuries which completely destroy the knee i.e. lower end of the femur and upper end of the tibia along with the intervening cartilages. Disease processes include osteoarthritis of the knee joint which is an age-related change that results in the destruction of the ends of the bones, narrowing of the space in between the knee joint and loss of sign of real fluid along with the degeneration of the cartilage within the knee. Patients experience a great deal of pain when moving the knee and this can have a significant impact on their day-to-day lives. It is in such situations that a total knee replacement is performed.

How is a procedure performed?

In brief, once significant damages occurred to the knee joint, the area of skin over the knee joint is cleaned with antiseptic solution and covered in sterile drapes. Under general anaesthesia, accesses obtained the knee joint and the relevant structures that may have been destroyed are removed. This can include the lower end of the femur, upper end of the tibia, patella and the intervening cartilage and fluid.

Once the structures are removed, a metallic prosthesis which has the same shape as the knee joint is placed in the position where the bones initially were and the tendons are reattached and the skin is closed. The entire procedure can take a few hours to complete and unfortunately can be rather expensive.

Once concluded, patients can start mobilising gently under supervision by a physical therapist. It can take a few weeks before patients return to the normal activities where they can go on to lead completely normal lives after total knee replacement.

Cost issues

It should come as no surprise that in the Western world, total knee replacements are extremely expensive. While they may be performed in state-of-the-art hospitals under the care of expert physicians, the same treatment with the same facilities can now be obtained for a lot less in other centres such as in Costa Rica. The physicians are accredited by American universities and boards and have the experience and knowledge to manage conditions with severe knee degeneration. Of course, Costa Rica is also a great place to visit and the benefit of having a good holiday and having your knee sorted out at the same time for literally no cost whatsoever (when compared to the United States) is an added bonus!

In conclusion, a total knee replacement is a complex procedure that requires expertise and suitable facilities. Cost issues can be troublesome but the same care and facilities can be obtained in Costa Rica. Long-term outcomes are excellent.

Tracy McManamon on Google+

Friday, February 28, 2014

Gastric Bypass and Gastric Lap Band

When it comes to weight loss surgery, there are several different options. However, the most common procedures that are performed include Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Gastric Banding. While these surgeries can be life changing to many patients, the unfortunate fact is that in many cases health insurance does not cover these procedures in the U.S. If paid for privately, Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Gastric Banding costs can be quite high. Therefore, it is not uncommon for patients who wish to undergo the surgery to venture out and obtain it elsewhere from trained surgeons in world-class facilities at a more affordable price.

Gastric Bypass

            Gastric Bypass is a procedure where a pathway is created for the food that is ingested to bypass the stomach and pass directly into the bowel. The main advantage of this is that the food does not get broken down into various components within the stomach and as a result only a limited amount of the food is reabsorbed from the intestine. While the body continues to get the nutrition it requires, it is only in limited amounts. This results in the breakdown of body fat and a subsequent reduction in body weight.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Once an incision is made in the abdomen, the stomach is accessed and is divided into a small pouch and a larger main stomach.  The first part of the intestine is attached to the small pouch. Thus any food that is consumed enters this small pouch and then passes directly into the small intestine without entering the larger main stomach.

Gastric bypass surgery may be performed as an open surgery or through a laparoscopic approach i.e. keyhole surgery. These days, keyhole surgery is preferred due to the lower rate of complications, better patient satisfaction rates and better long-term outcomes. The risks are rare and can include a small amount of blood loss and the possibility of development of blood clots in the legs. These can be easily treated.

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding

Laparoscopic gastric banding, also called lap banding, is another form of weight loss surgery that is extremely effective. In essence, the surgery involves the placement of a tight band around the upper part of the stomach. This band divides the stomach into a small pouch and indirectly influences the amount of food that a person can consume.

The procedure is straight forward and is performed through a keyhole approach. Small incisions are created on the abdomen and various instruments including a camera are passed through to visualize the stomach. Once the stomach is visible, a tight band is placed around the stomach to divide it into an upper and lower part. A small pouch is created which connects directly to the lower part of the stomach, thus limiting the amount of food that enters this part. This means that when an individual is consuming food, they feel fuller much sooner.

The long-term outcomes with gastric banding surgery are relatively good. Patients notice significant weight loss fairly quickly. The risks are rare and can include blood loss, erosion of the stomach tissue by the gastric band, slipping of the gastric band and inflammation of the stomach.  In the event that the gastric band erodes the stomach, it will require removal.


There is a plethora of evidence that supports the benefits of gastric bypass surgery and laparoscopic gastric banding. While it is unfortunate that these procedures are not covered by health insurance, they are still easily obtainable at other world-class facilities where the surgery will be performed by surgeons trained in the U.S.

Tracy McManamon on Google+

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chronic Cerebral Spinal Venous Insufficiency

There has been a great deal of advances in the field of multiple sclerosis management over the last decade. Of these, a large amount of research has been conducted in analyzing the cause for multiple sclerosis.

In the recent past, a specific area called chronic cerebral spinal venous insufficiency, sometimes called CCSVI, has been described. In this article, we shall take a brief look at this concept and discuss its applications in the management of multiple sclerosis.

What is CCSVI?

CC SVI forms a part of a group of malformations of the venous system within the brain. Various pathologies can affect these veins, particularly the ones close to the internal cervical veins and the azygos vein.

The relationship between CCSVI and multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological condition that is characterised by the loss of the protective myelin tissue around the nerves. In other words, it is a demyelinating condition that affects the nerves resulting in alterations in conduction of nerve impulses along the spinal cord. As a result, patients can experience varying degrees of motor weakness which can eventually be rather debilitating.

With regards to the relationship between CCSVI and multiple sclerosis, a theory called ‘liberation treatment’ was proposed by Prof Paulo Zamboni in 2008. There have been a number of different contradictions and issues raised regarding this treatment. Be that as it may, it has been proposed that in patients with CCSVI, the internal jugular veins and the azygos veins are significantly narrowed. This results in a high deposition of iron in the brain which ultimately triggers a series of reactions that can result in the loss of myelin from the surface of the nerves.

Application of CCSVI in the management of multiple sclerosis

The principle of CCSVI in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis is now being utilised in treating this condition. Initially, tests are performed to determine the exact point of narrowing within the veins. This test is called a venogram and involves the injection of contrast into the veins and imaging using a specialised x-ray equipment. In some cases, intravascular ultrasound may be used.

Once the narrowings have been determined, stents can be inserted into these narrowed veins or balloon angioplasty may be performed. It is believed that doing so can slow down the process of demyelination and the ultimate development of multiple sclerosis. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and guidance of an x-ray machine. The balloon is guided in with the help of a catheter and once in place a metallic stent is put in place to keep the vein open. The procedure takes a few hours to perform and has very good results. Risks are low especially when this procedure is performed by experts.

Procedural costs

Unfortunately, CSSVI treatment is not being performed in United States. However, it is performed by experts for a very reasonable cost in places such as Costa Rica. It is worthwhile making a visit if you have multiple sclerosis or have just been diagnosed with it to obtain this rather remarkable treatment.

Tracy McManamon on Google+

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery (Abdominoplasty)

A tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty is a commonly performed procedure that involves the removal of excessive fat on the surface of the abdomen. 

It is aimed at providing a firmer, flatter stomach. In this article, we shall take a brief look at this procedure and discuss why exactly how patients can be sure that they are paying reasonable tummy tuck surgery costs.

What is a tummy tuck procedure?

A tummy tuck procedure is one where the fat that overlies the surface of the abdomen muscles is removed with the goal of offering a cosmetically pleasant appearance of the abdomen. In addition, it involves the removal of excessive skin tissue that may be present on the abdomen following a great deal of weight loss.

When is a tummy tuck procedure performed?

A tummy tuck is performed in patients who have lost a great deal of weight through diet and exercise and have, as a result, a lot of loose skin and a small amount of subcutaneous tissue i.e. fat underneath the skin. In addition, it is also offered to women who have been through pregnancy as skin can become quite loose following this as well. However, it must be borne in mind that a tummy tuck procedure is not in anyway weight loss surgery and hence is not offered as such for patients looking to lose weight.

The procedure

The procedure is fairly straightforward and is usually performed under general anaesthesia. The performing physician may go through the history of the patient to ascertain whether or not it is safe for them to undergo this procedure. A detailed discussion is held and the final decision is made for the patient to undergo abdominoplasty.

The area where the procedure is to be performed is cleaned with antiseptic solution and the excess skin along with the subcutaneous fat is removed. The end result is a lot less skin and the lot thinner and slimmer individual.

There are different kinds of tummy tucks available such as the standard tummy tuck and the mini tummy tuck. The choice depends upon the expertise of the surgeon and the preference of the patient.

After the procedure, it can take up to 6 weeks for a patient to recover completely. Patients may require painkillers in the interim period and may need to take some rest for a short while before they can get back to the normal activities of daily living.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Costs

Unfortunately, a tummy tuck can be an expensive procedure when performed in the Western world. It is for this very reason that patients are now undergoing this procedure in alternative destinations such as Costa Rica where the procedure can be performed for under $3000. This is because the individuals who performed the procedure are board-certified experts in plastics and cosmetic surgery and the facilities available in Costa Rica are as good as, if not better, than the ones in the Western world. At a significantly lesser cost when compared to other countries, it is not surprising to hear that people are now flying to Costa Rica to have tummy tucks performed.

Why Choose Abdominoplasty Abroad?

A tummy tuck can be a rather satisfying procedure for patients. However, costs can be a hindering factor and in places such as Costa Rica, the procedures are performed with the same expertise and for a significantly lesser cost.

Tracy McManamon on Google+

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Treating Prostate Cancer with HIFU

 Treating Prostate Cancer with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment

A diagnosis of prostate cancer can be rather devastating. Over the last decade, there has been plenty of scientific research conducted in finding out and utilising different treatment options for prostate cancer. Of these, high intensity focused ultrasound treatment, also called HIFU, is a specialised yet minimally invasive technique utilising the treatment of prostate cancer. In this article, we shall take a brief look at HIFU as a therapeutic strategy.

The principle of HIFU

HIFU utilises ultrasound waves that are emitted at a high frequency and targeted at the cancerous prostate cells with the goal of destroying them. The ultrasound waves generate heat within the cells and coagulate the different proteins, causing the cells to die. In addition, the coagulation process also causes rupture of the cells due to a build-up in intracellular pressure. In combination, these two effects are responsible for the death of the cancer cells.

The procedure

The procedure is performed in a controlled setting in a hospital environment. Under close supervision by a healthcare professional, ultrasound waves are directed towards the prostate gland using special devices. According to the response, the intensity of the ultrasound waves may be changed, with the levels remaining high at all times. Attached to the probe is not just the ultrasound device but also a camera that helps the doctor visualise the prostate gland during the treatment.
The entire procedure takes anywhere between 2 to 3 hours to perform. Once the procedure has concluded, the patient is observed for a period of time and is then discharged home the day after. There are rarely any complications and patients tend to tolerate the procedure extremely well. It is for this reason that HIFU is now becoming a more commonly performed procedure and tends to be the preferred way of managing prostate cancer in many centres.

Benefits of HIFU

The primary benefit of HIFU is that the number of complications associated with it is minimal. There is no damage done to the neighbouring structures and the patient’s sexual performance is unaffected. Of course, HIFU treatment means that patients do not need to undergo open surgery to treat prostate cancer and this can avoid a number of different complications that can arise from it. There is no danger of radiation either. In most cases, the cancer cells are destroyed though in some cases patients may require a repeat HIFU in conjunction with radiotherapy and surgical removal of the prostate.

Cost of the procedure

Currently, HIFU is not being offered in many centres across the United States. In fact, finding a centre that will perform it is rare and at the centres that do perform HIFU, the costs are extremely high. There is no doubt that the outcome of HIFU is excellent for the patient’s and therefore it does not come as a surprise that more and more people are now travelling to places such as Poland where this treatment is offered at the same standard at a significantly lower cost.
In conclusion, HIFU is an effective way of treating prostate cancer that is minimally invasive and almost risk-free.

Tracy McManamon on Google+